Slovenia's exceptional success in the EDF 2021 tender
TECES is one of the most successful Slovenian applicants in the EDF 2021 tender
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Slovenian partners achieved exceptional success in the EDF 2021 tender. Successful in total 78%, we rank on the national level at the very top of the EU. Slovenian partners are involved in 10 (co)financed projects, in which 4 Slovenian partners are the holders of the consortium (TECES, Pipistrel, Beyond Semiconductors in Guardiaris).
In the thematic area "Energy efficiency and energy management", both projects with the participation of TECES were approved for funding; the strategic project INDY, where TECES, together with the Slovenian Ministry of Defense (Si MoD), plays a leading role in the coordination of partners and ministries of defence from 15 EU member states, and the NOMAD project, where TECES acts as a strategic Slovenian partner, together with partners from 10 EU member states.
The total value of both projects combined is €35 million which is also a clear indicator of the successfully integrated approach of Si MoD and TECES in support of green transition and energy and environmental challenges in the defence. It is implemented under the auspices of the Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence (SiEnE), established in 2020.
With both projects being approved for funding, national and international activities are further strengthened in support of the project of smart energy-efficient camps for dual-use, which represents the Slovenian strategic program for the development of civil solutions also for defence purposes (dual-use).
The outstanding success of TECES, SiEnE partnership, and Si MoD and Slovenia
Together with national and international partners, TECES applied at the international tender EDF-2021 with two projects in the thematic group “Energy efficiency and energy management“; with the strategic project “INDY – Energy independent and efficient systems for military camps” and TECES as the holder of the consortium, and the project “NOMAD – Novel energy storage technologies usable at Military Deployments in forward operating bases” with TECES as a strategic partner.
The European Commission (EC) has approved both projects for funding; the €14.3 million INDY project with the coordinating role of TECES, and the €20.7 million NOMAD project.
The two-year INDY project involves 20 partners and 10 subcontractors from 15 EU countries. The project worth €14.3 million aims to develop and prepare the strategies for developing technologies and solutions for energy-independent and efficient deployable camps. The topic is directly related to the Slovenian strategic program of the partnership SiEnE – a smart energy-efficient camp for dual-use (civilian and defence) which we are creating with the support of TECES and Si MoD.
The four-year NOMAD project will be coordinated by the Spanish company ARPA together with 18 partners from 10 countries. The purpose of the €20.7 million worth project, which will include all phases from a feasibility study to validation in appropriate environments, is to encourage and support the development and operational validation of energy storage and related technologies.
Both projects represent the extraordinary additional impetus to the planned international activities, where Slovenian partners and experts, together with international partners, want to create new and advanced solutions to support the green transition.
The INDY and NOMAD projects will enable the Slovenian partners and experts of the partnership, with the support of Si MoD and international partners, to play a leading role in creating new and advanced solutions to support greening of the defence and smart energy-efficient and energy-independent deployable camps.
Despite its small economic size, Slovenia with a strategic and integrated approach by all key actors, can make its way to the very top and compete highly at the EU level on the topics of the green transition and in the search for solutions to energy and environmental challenges
The role of SiEnE partnership
The two-year SiEnE partnership was established by TECES and Si MoD to support the green transition and address energy challenges in the defence. Together with experts from Slovenian companies and research organizations, and with the support of Si MoD, we focus mainly on the development and transfer of civil green technologies and energy-efficient solutions also for defence purposes (so-called dual-use).
The experience of experts from the Si MoD, the Slovenian Armed Forces and the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief), who represent the users, and many times also the co-financier or potential client of newly developed solutions is invaluable for the strategic direction of the joint development of companies and research organisations.
The SiEnE partnership is unique by offering integrated and customised support for the cooperation of civil and defence stakeholders in the defence and security area in Slovenia and abroad related to energy-efficient solutions and green technologies.
By actively participating in various international EDA and NATO defence programs and projects (e.g. working group EnE CapTech, CF SEDSS, IF CEED, PESCO), active networking with key international actors, and submitting proposals for international projects, we co-design the greening defence by proposing solutions for civil and defence use (dual-use) at the European level.
With the approval of international projects, TECES was recognized as an excellent link and synergies creator. TECES, under the auspices of the SiEnE partnership and supported by Si MoD, will continue to provide Slovenian partners with new international business opportunities.
Additional information
Read more about the project on the TECES website.
For more information about your participation in the SiEnE activities and involvement in international activities, projects, or supply chains, contact us.
dr. Kim MEZGA – TECES .:. +386 2 333 13 54 .:.