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The consortium of partners in the MODEL+ project is successfully progressing in developing solutions for energy-efficient and self-sufficient modular buildings.

Reading time: 3 min

A consortium of five Slovenian companies—REM d.o.o., DANFOSS Trata d.o.o., KRONOTERM d.o.o., PIKTRONIK d.o.o., and ROBOTINA d.o.o. - under the coordination of TECES, is successfully advancing in the development of interoperable technologies and solutions for self-sufficient modular buildings, designed for both defence and civil purposes.

At the latest project council meeting, held at KRONOTERM's headquarters in Gomilsko, the MODEL+ project partners visited the production facility of energy-advanced and aesthetically refined heat pumps, which place the Slovenian company among the leaders in Europe.

Kronoterm is developing an advanced modular thermal-energy system

As part of the MODEL+ project, Kronoterm will develop an advanced modular thermal-energy system consisting of a heat pump, a thermal storage unit, and a sanitary water storage unit. The building will feature an integrated air-to-water heat pump, which will use air-sourced heat, powered by electricity, to provide heating, cooling, and sanitary hot water for the building.

Key Objective: Energy Efficiency and Interoperability

One of the key objectives of the MODEL+ project is to achieve energy efficiency and self-sufficiency of modular buildings. In this regard, the energy efficiency of individual components and their interoperability as a functioning whole are crucial. For the thermal-energy unit, the energy efficiency will be provided by a heat pump with a target seasonal efficiency of between 4.9 and 3.8. This means that, on a seasonal basis, the heat pump will deliver 4.9 kWh or 3.8 kWh of heat to the building for every kWh of electricity consumed, utilising heat stored in the air. Kronoterm, which ranks among the top heating and cooling efficiency performers in the most demanding European markets, will leverage its development competencies in this project.

Pioneers in Predictive Maintenance and Remote Diagnostics

Kronoterm has extensive experience in heat pump maintenance. As the first heat pump manufacturer, it launched a remote service diagnostic system in 2013. The CLOUD.KRONOTERM platform, based on predictive and preventive diagnostics, enables rapid issue identification, remote troubleshooting, and wireless software updates.

The SiEnE partnership opens doors for Slovenian partners to international markets

The MODEL+ project is part of the National Strategic Programme PamPIK, which focuses on smart, energy-efficient, and energy-independent deployable camps for dual use. This programme represents one of the key strategic areas of the Slovenian Partnership for Energy and Environment in the defence sector (SiEnE). With Slovenian partners and the support of the Ministry of Defence (SiMoD), SiEnE takes a leading role in the international context in addressing energy and environmental challenges in the defence sector. Through projects like MODEL+, the SiEnE partnership encourages developing and demonstrating high-tech solutions that open doors for Slovenian partners to international markets and enable their successful integration into global defence value chains.

Additional information

dr. Marja JERIČ – TECES .:.  +386 2 333 13 56 .:.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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