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HibroM Visiting new production line

Reading time: 3 min

We are delighted that the RRI consortium of the HibroM project had the opportunity to visit the Li-ion battery production of our partner TAB d.d. located in Prevalje. We got a glimpse of the company's workflow and application development abilities. Conversations that arise during such visits on-site, lead to fresh concepts, greatly enhance ongoing initiatives, and many times inspire new ideas and teamwork.

The visit was held as part of the third R&D project HibroM's council meeting. At regular meetings we pursue project goals and manage the information flow across consortium members. One of the members hosts the meeting every other time. In this way we get an oppurtunity to take a glimpse of the production process. We also get to talk with the visiting member's broader development team during the tours, allowing us to learn more about the project designs' potential implementations. We use this to update and describe project advancements in real time.

TAB's response to green transition

The focus on the green transition is causing an intense increase in the need for electricity storage devices. Production of batteries for the storage of electricity will be one of the key challanges to achieve the goals of the European Green Deal. Therefore, efforts are being made to produce batteries in a manner that is less harmful to the environment and with cleaner production methods.

In a view of this, TAB d.d. has been collaborating with a group of partners over the past 18 months to establish a highly automated battery module assembly process. The department responsible for Li-ion development concentrated on developing both high- and low-voltage stationary battery systems in addition to the production line itself. In order to guarantee the best possible production process and the product—which is technically the most comprehensive, affordable, readily assembleable, and suitably certified—they made the decision to create the line and the product simultaneously.

Up to 180,000 battery modules, or one gigawatt-hour, will be produced yearly by this new production line. Battery modules will be utilized for traction batteries as well as stationary batteries meant for energy storage.

The most recent production line covers every stage of the procedure, including cell preparation, stacking, compression, and assembly into modules prior final assembly into battery packs. TAB d.d. also proudly demonstrated the use of highly efficient laser technology and EOL (End of Life) testing, which guarantees precise and dependable welding of module housing components and inter-cell connections.

Synergies for green transition

Follow us for an insight into current topics within the HibroM project and along the way get to know our partners, their competences and cooperation opportunities. The future brings more and more financial incentives to support green technologies. We look forward to creating new synergies and strong partnerships for successful and quality projects. Join us!

Additional information

For more information about the possibilities of your participation in SiEnE activities and involvement in international activities, projects, or supply chains, contact us.

Dr. Marja JERIČ – TECES  .:.   +386 2 333 13 56 .:.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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