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From idea to implementation of innovative modular buildings

Reading time: 3 min

Partners of the MODEL+ project consortium and TECES, project coordinator, met at a regular monthly technical and project meeting at the headquarters of REM d.o.o.. Given the partners' strong motivation throughout the meeting, we anticipate an outstanding final product of the MODEL+ project.

REM d.o.o. who hosted the meeting proudly presented their production process of modular buildings, from conceptual design to finished products. The project partners were able to see that REM d.o.o. an excellent manufacturer that is commited to quality, innovation and a satisfied end user.

In February 2024, the consortium partners of the MODEL+ project met in Trebnje, Slovenia. The meeting was hosted by the project’s leading partner REM d.o.o., which, in addition to the development of the modular facility, has the role of integrator of all partner project solutions. At the meeting, the host highlighted the importance of the project for strengthening cooperation and opportunities for further projects. This was also confirmed by the partners’ representatives and the coordinator of the MODEL+ project, who attended the meeting as a full cast of the consortium.

The focus of the meeting was on coordinating the technical details and implementation plan of the on-site demonstration facility. Five partners from top Slovenian companies participate in the project, REM d.o.o. (leading partner), DANFOSS TRATA d.o.o.KRONOTERM d.o.o.PIKTRONIK d.o.o. and ROBOTINA d.o.o.. The participants showed a high level of motivation for a successful final solution and proactively submitted suggestions. We are pleased that, in addition to following the goals set at the beginning, the partners are looking for and proposing additional innovations and improvements for the best possible result of the project.

As the project coordinator, TECES pays a lot of attention to regular coordination meetings and takes care of communication between partners. In this way, the project follows the set goals and proceeds according to the timetable.

The development of unique modular construction solutions in Trebnje (Slovenia)

The MODEL+ consortium meeting took place at the headquarters of REM d.o.o. in Trebnje, Slovenia.

The participants got an excelent opportunity to gain insight into the creation of innovative modular buildings, from idea to implementation in the production plant. Many of REM’s technical experts, who are committed to the highest quality standards, participate in the process of creating modular units.

REM’s vision is to develop and manufacture superior, user-friendly and sustainable products. They are focused on the development and production of unique solutions, so most of their products are developed according to the end user. The company pursues sustainability holistically, through social, environmental and economic aspects. They are proud that the quality of production and products is proven by numerous quality certificates, awards and recognitions. We were also able to see the result of the project completed in 2019 – an innovative exemplary modular living unit. The unit is a demonstration facility with numerous newly developed solutions, where, in addition to REM d.o.o. another 15 Slovenian companies and research organizations participated. The knowledge and experience gained in such research and development projects are an invaluable competence and an excellent reference for the company.

MODEL+ project and its contribution to the Green Transition Strategy

TECES and SiEnE partnership ensure constant alignment of Slovenian projects with the guidelines of the European Commission for the green transition. Thus, the MODEL+ project was originally conceived as part of a wider picture and continues to be aligned with the idea of an integrated approach to the green transition. The partners of the MODEL+ project thus have an excellent opportunity for further involvement in development activities in the field of green transition under the auspices of TECES and SiEnE.

International cooperation

Follow TECES and SiEnE partnership web page and social networks to get familiar with our international activities, our partners, their competences and cooperation opportunities.

Get in contact: 

Dr. Marja JERIČ – TECES .:. +386 2 333 13 56 .:. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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