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TECES manages several websites designed to provide information about its activities, initiatives, partnerships under the auspices of TECES, its members, or other stakeholders.

Terms of Use

All information and images contained on these pages are subject to copyright and other forms of intellectual property protection.

Documents published on websites under the auspices of TECES may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only, provided that all copyright or other notices are also retained. "TECES" must be cited as the data source on each reproduction.

Disclaimer of Liability

TECES will endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information on its websites, but does not guarantee their accuracy and completeness, and assumes no responsibility for any consequences arising from their use. All users use the published content at their own risk.

Neither TECES nor any other legal or natural person involved in the creation and development of the web portals shall be liable for any damages arising from access to or use of the websites or the inability to use the information on the websites (e.g., occasional server downtime) or for any errors or deficiencies in their content.

TECES reserves the right to change the content of its websites at any time, in any way, for any reason, and without prior notice.

TECES websites also contain links to other legal and natural persons not under its jurisdiction, and therefore TECES assumes no responsibility for their content and operation.

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