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  • In 2021, we successfully completed an RD study for the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia (Si MoD) on ways of developing smart and energy-efficient deployable camps for both defence and civilian purposes (so-called dual use).

    The study sought to find solutions for the specific needs of the Si MoD, Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) and the

  • At the end of 2023, HibroM R&D project entered the phase of development and prototyping of a hybrid mobile micro network of temporary bases. Within this phase, the consortium partners intensively assess appropriate technical solutions and coordinate the integration of all components and assemblies for a reliable unified system.

    In February 2024, the project partners and representatives of the client SI MoD met in person once again. The

  • European Defence Fund (EDF) is dedicating a total budget of 1.1 billion € to the EDF Research and Development in Defence Work programme for 2024.

    The 4th annual Work programme is organised around 6 thematic calls and 2 calls dedicated to SMEs, consisting of 32 topics in total.

    For energy-efficiency and

  • We are delighted that the RRI consortium of the HibroM project had the opportunity to visit the Li-ion battery production of our partner TAB d.d. located in Prevalje. We got a glimpse of the company's workflow and application development abilities. Conversations that arise during such visits on-site, lead to fresh concepts, greatly enhance ongoing initiatives, and many times inspire new ideas and teamwork.

    The visit was held as part of

  • In September 2023, partners of the RDI project HibroM visited a temporary camp of the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) to familiarise themselves with current energy supply solutions for deployable camps.

    The SAF set up a temporary deployable base in Mežica as a starting point for aiding in disaster relief following this year's August floods in the Mežica Valley. In the event of large-scale storms and other disasters, the rapid and

  • On 29th August 2023, the Kick-Off meeting for the newly initiated two-year RDI project "Development of Hybrid Mobile Microgrid for Deployable Dual-Use Camps (HibroM)" took place at the premises of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia (Si MoD. The MoD is the financier of the project and the end user of the planned newly developed solutions.

    The introductory event already demonstrated


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